Perceptions of family caregivers and professionals in the family health strategy related to the care and neuropsychomotor development of children
perception, caregivers, health personnel, family health program, child developmentAbstract
This study aimed to identify the perceptions of family caregivers and professionals in the family health strategy related to the care and neuropsychomotor development of children from 0 to 2 years old and the actions developed by health professionals for this age group. It was a descriptive and exploratory research with a qualitative approach. Ten (10) caregivers and nine (9) professionals of a family health team, from the east zone of São Paulo, were interviewed. A semi-structured interview roadmap for data collection was used. The speeches were recorded and transcribed and the most important ones were selected and categorized. For analysis of the empirical material, the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin was used. The results were presented in categories: emphasis on the neuropsychomotor development stages: sensory, motor and cognitive; development means growth, influence of family relationships in child health care; focus on the biological model x extended care; the care with the development in the work and caregivers perceptions about the received guidance. The study revealed that the care, related to neuropsychomotor development, can be understood in different ways by professionals and family caregivers, with perceptions still tied to the biological aspects making it is necessary to overcome this approach to a multiconceptual logic and, consequently, multidisciplinary, to ensure the integral health care of children.Downloads
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