tuberculosis, epidemiology, child, adolescent, clinical profile.Abstract
The presence of tuberculosis in childhood is a good indicator of the extent of the disease bacilíferaand inefficiency of control of the tort in the adult population. In order to describe the clinical andepidemiological profile of cases of children and adolescents which evolved clinically with tuberculosis.Was held a retrospective study of survey data from patient records involving all patients with thediagnosis of tuberculosis assisted on inpatient and outpatient de pneumologia of a children’s Hospitalpublic in the city of São Paulo from 2005 to 2010. 45 cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed, mostaged under 4 years of age and adolescents, all vaccinated with BCG ID. The most common clinicalform was followed by pulmonary and pleural meningeal. Of cases handled, 98% spontaneously todiagnostic research hospital. Cough and fever symptoms were reported. Of the cases raised, 18(40%) had contacts with intradomiciliares of adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. The radiological characteristics were found more opacity and the pleural effusion. Of the cases investigated 32.5% presented positivity for identification of Mycobacteria. Most patients was strong proof reactorstuberculínica. Tuberculosis in childhood is a neglected aspect, for the most part, in the evaluation ofadult communicating with pulmonary tuberculosis bacilífera. Often children are assisted when disease symptoms are already installed. Interconnecting control is a way early and efficiently diagnose andtreat children with tuberculosis, reducing suffering and reducing the chance of an outbreak of severeforms of the disease.Downloads
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