public health, children, eating behaviour, consumer habits, television, qualitative.Abstract
Objectives: the aim of this study is to assess caregivers’ perceptions about the influence oftelevision on the eating habits of children from the socially vulnerable Northeast region of Brazil. Methods: a total of 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted with caregivers. The participantsincluded mothers, fathers, and grandmothers of 29 schoolchildren from a public school in the outskirtsof a town in the Agreste Meridional in Northeast Brazil. The interviews were transcribed and analysedin light of socio-historical theory based on the work of Vygotsky (1984) and Bakhtin (2001). Results: the caregivers explained the influence of televised food advertisements on children’s requests for foodand the criteria children use to choose foods. The caregivers also observed that the family’s buyingdecisions were governed by the children’s requests, which are driven by television advertisements.Furthermore, the children’s food preferences (i.e., the structure and rhythm of children’s meals)changed because of the influence of the media. Conclusions: although caregivers are able to describethe influence of television on the eating habits of children, the magnitude of this influence on children’slives is still unclear. Understanding the magnitude of the influence is a challenge posed by this study toprofessionals, experts in the field, and the Brazilian health system.Downloads
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