Level of physical activity and functional in athletes children
exercise, child, athletes, respiratory muscles/physiologyAbstract
The improvement of physical ability and functional performance of children are acquisitions of physical activity, but studies about the impact of sports on functional capacity and respiratory muscles in children are still scarce. Objective: to assess the respiratory muscle strength, the functional and physical activity levels of athletes children when compared with no athletes children, both in the same age group. Methods: the study involved 20 children from schools (non-athletes group, NAGN n = 10), and sports training centers (athletes group, AG n = 10) from Florianópolis- SC/Brazil, aged between 7 and 10 years. We used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and evaluated the respiratory muscle strength (RMS) with a manuvacuometer (MVD-300, Microhard). The functional capacity was evaluated with the six minute walking test (6MWT). Results: respiratory muscle strength and functional capacity did not differ between groups. Differences were found in heart rate in the third minute, between the first and second 6MWT in both groups - GA: 91.20 ± 7.57 and 129.20 ± 33.81 (p = 0.005) and NAG: 96,10±1,45 e 122,00 ± 22,62 (p = 0,008). Dyspnea scale was different between two groups on the beginning of second 6MWT, bigger in NAG group (0.6 ± 0.65 x 0.10 ± 0.31, p = 0.029). Characteristics of physical activity, assessed by IPAQ were different between groups. Conclusion: the athletes and non-athletes children presented similar respiratory muscle strength and functional capacity. A bigger sample is relevant to accomplish new outcomes.Downloads
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