
  • Susan de Alencar Silva Graduate Student of Nursing at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Paraiba. João Pessoa (PB) Brazil.
  • Kerle Dayana Tavares de Lucena Nurse, Doctoral Student, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Paraiba. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil.
  • Layza de Souza Chaves Deininger Nurse, Master’s Student, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Paraiba. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil
  • Hemílio Fernandes Campos Coelho Statistician, Doctorate from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Professor at the Federal University of Paraiba. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil
  • Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo Vianna Nutritionist, Doctor of Public Health, Federal University of Paraiba. João Pessoa (PB). Brazil
  • Ulisses Umbelino dos Anjos Electrical Engineer, Professor, Federal University of Paraiba / UFPB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil


Palabras clave:

women’s health, gender identity, domestic violence.


Introduction: Violence against women is characterized by damage to physical and mental health of the victim, and is not linked solely to the use of physical force, but also the idea of submission, culturally ingrained in gender relations, in which man behaves itself as being dominant and women an inferior being. As result of violence, women are hindered in their social life, repressed and psychologically shaken. It is a public health problem of great magnitude in the world. It is known that women are more vulnerable to health problems and has unique needs, differentiated from other groups in society, such as prevention, control and combat to physical and mental illnesses. According to the National Policy for Integral Attention to Women’s Health, these injuries are more linked with gender issues such as the situation of discrimination in society than to biological factors. Gender inequalities, historically produced and legitimated by culture and society, put women in inferiority and depreciation position. In this context, violence is used as a mechanism of maintenance and confirmation of male power over women. Objective: Investigating the health problems resulting from domestic violence against women. Methods: An exploratory study with a qualitative approach, in the city of João Pessoa, involving 406 women who met the inclusion criteria. The speeches made by the interviewees were coded as analysis technique of speech. Results: The main diseases cited were headache, nausea, feeling of insecurity, stress, depression, difficulty with new relationships. Conclusion: The grievances caused from domestic violence in women who suffer permeate the physical damage, interfere with quality of life and surpass. It is important to give visibility to the phenomenon and insert gender concepts in the training of health professionals, providing tools for them to meet in a humane way and emancipatory approach to this population segment.


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