https://doi.org/10.7322/jhgd.106012Palabras clave:
Therapeutic setting, health education, pediatric dentistry, dental care for children.Resumen
Introduction: a good oral health is essential to the existence of a good systemic health. Nevertheless, tooth decay is one of the major problems of public health of our days. Taking this into account, to combat this problem it is the duty of health professionals to promote patient education so that they can adopt habits that prevent the onset of the same disease or its recurrence. Objectives: to use pictograms and macro models in order to promote the cooperation and participation of the child, reinforcing the importance of non-verbal language in the dentistry setting. Methods: we created original health education instruments, mainly based on pictograms, for children between 5 and 7 years of age. Results: nonverbal communication allows a relational bond between therapist and child, enabling the continuity of work and active participation of the child. Conclusion: the application of pictograms in children in pediatric dentistry setting may be an asset in health education, promoting a more focused perspective on the patient as well as their active role in it.Descargas
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