The evolution of genetics to genomics
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Development. Mathematical models. Genetics. Genomics.Resumen
Development of civilizations and the technology of Development improvement of crop and animals have been under human control for more than 10.000 years. Despite the term Genetics started being employed a few centuries ago, its practice is ancient and responsible for thriving of the human society to the point we see now. The recent advances in this fi eld started with the theories of evolution, mathematical models to predict traits, and studies at cellular level. The explosion of knowledge on the last few decades associated with the advancing of internet and computers led to advent of a new discipline in genetics: genomics. Here is discussed the transition from genetics to genomics and some of the main factors that were responsible for this progress. Nowadays genomics is part of most of life science studies and the outcomes are leading to outstanding discoveries on how the genome is precisely concerted; the fi ndings have been crucial to understand human illness and for development of personalized and more precise medical treatment.
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