How to monitor children with feeding diffi culties in a multidisciplinary scope? Multidisciplinary care protocol for children and adolescents – pilot study


  • Priscila Maximino Departamento de Nutrição, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal
  • Rachel Helena Vieira Machado
  • Patrícia Junqueira Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal
  • Maici Ciari Departamento de Nutrologia pediátrica, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal
  • Abykeila Melisse Tosatti Departamento de Nutrição, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal
  • Cláudia de Cássia Ramos Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal
  • Mauro Fisberg Departamento de Nutrologia pediátrica, Instituto PENSI/Hospital Infantil Sabará/Fundação José Luiz Egídio Setúbal



Objectives: To present the results of the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach to feeding difficulties in childhood and adolescence in a reference service. Method: The protocol was designed for outpatient patients aged from zero to 19 years old, with complaints of feeding difficulties and without psychiatric diagnoses, with signed parental consent. The protocol consists of paediatrician, speech therapist and nutritionist assessment in the same appointment, with common observation of evaluations and following multidisciplinary discussion. Diagnoses were categorized according Kerzner et al (2015), and parenting styles according to Hughes (2005). Statistical analysis was conducted via SPSS v21 through frequency distribution (%), mean ± standard deviation, Chi-square test and ANOVA. Significance level was considered at 5%. Results: Sample consisted of 56 children, 67.9% of males, most (75%) younger than 5 years old. The most frequent diagnosis was selectivity (30%). There was association between diagnoses and organic diseases in 30%. Start of complaints occurred at 18 months old. Speech-therapy alterations were detected mostly in speech (29%) and oral-motor skills (32%). Anthropometric assessment showed average normal growth patterns and average dietary assessment of protein intake derived from dairy products was above recommendations (18g/day). Conclusions: Results herein justify the presence of the multidisciplinary team in monitoring feeding difficulties in childhood and adolescence, and highlight the importance of longitudinal research nationwide.


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