The invisibility of psychological violence against children
DOI: clave:
violence, mental health, child health public policy.Resumen
Introduction: Domestic violence is a social and public health problem and its rates are currently increasing. It is present in all social classes, ethnicities and educational levels. Objective: To analyse the actions done by health professionals who work in Basic Health Units (BHUs) to recognise cases of psychological violence against children. Methods: This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. It used an analysis of the thematic data content. Interviews were conducted with 24 professionals working in BHUs in a city in southern Brazil. Results: It was observed that physical symptoms are prioritised and there is an underestimation of mental health issues, especially those relating to psychological violence. Conclusions: It was identifi ed that professionals from the BHUs cannot intervene effectively because of the diffi culty in identifying cases of domestic violence and their lack of training for dealing with cases of violence against children.
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