Health in School Program: From training processes to practice scenarios
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School health, Health promotion, Adolescent, Continued educationResumen
Introduction: The Health in School Program (PSE) is an intersectoral policy between the ministries of health and education with the perspective of integral attention (prevention, promotion and attention) to the health of children, adolescents and young people in basic public education, within the framework of schools and basic health units. It has five structural components to be developed by professionals, who need ongoing training to reach their goals and goals.
Objective: To analyse the training process of PSE health and education professionals.
Methods: Qualitative research, based on the theoretical framework of Paulo Freire, whose epistemological categories were compiled by Ecco (reading of the world, significant themes, dialogue, curiosity and problematization). Collection of data was conducted through an interview with 45 professionals and analysed.
Results: The reading of the world in relation to the training was permeated with doubts regarding the work with the adolescents. Regarding the significant themes, they expressed an interest in studying some content for the particularities of this publication. The dialogue was encouraged in the transfer of the information and determinations established by management. As for the curiosity, the professionals pointed out uncertainties about the continuity of the actions of the programme and reported learning needs that were not contemplated. The problematization was not evident in the speeches.
Conclusion: There are gaps in the professional formation in the PSE for an action that considers the promotion of health in adolescents.
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