DOI: clave:
adolescence, adolescent.Resumen
At the present time, issues linked to adolescents’ health have been predominantly interpreted according to the biomedical paradigm, which takes adolescence as a natural anduniversal phenomenon. Such unidirectional and non-historical vision emphasizes the teleological character of human development, in which adolescence is not more than a transition stage towards adult age, thus privileging the chronological approach as its main milestone. We suggest
the understanding of adolescence as a social construct, product of the Industrial Revolution, that acquires visibility at the end of the ^19~^h century, in the wake of the protection movement to
maternity and childhood that had begun in the previous century. To admit the historical-social character of the object adolescence implies taking it necessarily as a plural concept, in permanent evolution, crossed by categories as social class, religion, race and gender, in such a way that the generic adolescent would not be more than a metaphor, an instrument of inteligibility. The displacement of the emphasis in the biological substratum for the multiple processes of its construction, historical, cultural and socially determined, would operate the necessary subordination of the natural dimension to the historical one.
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