
  • Rubens Feferbaum Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo.
  • Claudio Leone Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo.
  • Rosemeire Casanova Nogueira Quality of Life Department Solidarity and Cultural and Social Development Fund of the State of São Paulo
  • Patricia Neri Cavalcanti Quality of Life Department Solidarity and Cultural and Social Development Fund of the State of São Paulo
  • Eduardo Blanco Cardoso Oswaldo Cruz Alemão Hospital (Unit Mooca), São Paulo
  • Monica Allende Serra United Metropolitan Colleges – FMU.



Palabras clave:

school meals, nutritional education, body composition in children and adolescents.




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Biografía del autor/a

  • Rubens Feferbaum, Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo.

    MD PhD - Children’s Institute and Department of Pediatric Medicine. Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo.

  • Claudio Leone, Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo.

    MD PhD - Department of Maternal and Infant Health, Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo.

  • Rosemeire Casanova Nogueira, Quality of Life Department Solidarity and Cultural and Social Development Fund of the State of São Paulo

    Dietitian - Industrial Social Service of São Paulo State – Quality of Life Department Solidar

    ity and Cultural and Social Development and of the State of São Paulo
  • Patricia Neri Cavalcanti, Quality of Life Department Solidarity and Cultural and Social Development Fund of the State of São Paulo
    Dietitian - Industrial Social Service of São Paulo State – Quality of Life Department Solidarity and Cultural and Social Development and of the State of São Paulo
  • Eduardo Blanco Cardoso, Oswaldo Cruz Alemão Hospital (Unit Mooca), São Paulo

    MD PhD - Continuing Education Program of the Oswaldo Cruz Alemão Hospital (Unit Mooca), São Paulo

  • Monica Allende Serra, United Metropolitan Colleges – FMU.

    Psychologist MSc PhD - Educational Advising. United Metropolitan Colleges – FMU.


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