DOI: clave:
psychological stress, physiological stress, asthma, quality of life, affective symptoms.Resumen
Objective: To evaluate stress in children and adolescents with asthma and its association withclinical and psychosocial features. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with asthmatic childrenand adolescents between 7 and 12 years old, seen at the pediatric pulmonary outpatient clinic. TheStress Childhood Scale, the Criterion of Economic Classification Brazil and a questionnaire wereused to collect data. Statistical analysis was realized using the Chi-square Test, ROC curve, FisherTest and Mann-Whitney. A logistic regression analysis model was used after univariety analysis.Results: Stress was detected in 38 % (19/50) of the patients, with predominance of psychologicalreactions. Statistical significance associations were found between stress and scholar difficulties,socioeconomic class C2 and D (p = 0,013) and asthma symptoms in a period less than or equal to 7years (p = 0,003). These associations remained after logistic regression model. There was no statisticalsignificance association between asthma gravity and stress. Conclusions: More than one-third ofchildren and adolescents with asthma were stressed. This rate was higher in lower socioeconomicclasses and in those patients with scholar difficulties and with symptoms of asthma in a period lessthan or equal to 7 years.Descargas
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