DOI: clave:
Premature birth, Infant development, Movement training, Physical therapy.Resumen
Object: The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of short-term training on distal adjustments of reaching in preterm infants with low birth weight and compare them with full-term infants. Methods: Sixteen infants at the onset of reaching were equally allocated to a: preterm group (<34 weeks of gestational age) with a low birth weight (<2.5kg), and control group (full-term infants). The infants were submitted to two assessments carried out on a single day: pre-training (2 minutes) and post-training (2 minutes). The preterm group received one training session under a serial practice condition and the control group received one session of social training. It was used the repeated-measures analysis of variance, with Bonferroni adjustments. Results: The preterm infants presented more reaches with semi-open and oblique hand compared with the full-term infants and the short-term training increased more reaches and reaches with dorsal hand. Conclusion: We conclude that the preterm infants presented more reaches with semi-open and oblique hand compared with the full-term infants and that the short-term training was effective in providing more reaches, observed in the increase in the number of hand contacts with the object.Descargas
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