Ørberg per se and per alios illustratus: conceptual framework of inductive-method


  • Marco Ricucci Università degli Studi di Udine Dipartimento Studi Umanistici Via Mazzini 3 Udine Italia




Ørberg, Krashen, pedagogia latina, didática


Lingua Latina per se illustrata is a Latin coursebook which, based on the inductive- method (MIC) being envisaged by Danish Hans Ørberg, is spread non only in Italian schools, but also around the world. In last years, critic academics and enthusiast teachers have been discussing the inductive-method (MIC) or the nature method, unwaveringly promoted in Italy by Luigi Miraglia, but in the available bibliography we lack a general outline which, featuring status questionis, provides a sketch of MIC at the standpoint of its descriptive underpinnings. This contribution aims at giving an interpretation of MIC at light of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), an innovative discipline which studies how human minds are capable of learning a foreign language (L2), different from mother tongue. The SLA theories of Stephen D. Krashen, applied linguistic from USA, are the first attempt of exploration of MIC in order to put teachers’ intuitive understandings and convictions about MIC in a more systematic conceptual framework grounded on SLA research.


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Author Biography

  • Marco Ricucci, Università degli Studi di Udine Dipartimento Studi Umanistici Via Mazzini 3 Udine Italia
    Docente di scuola secondaria e dottore di ricerca in Scienze dell'Antichità presso l'Università di Udine,







How to Cite

Ricucci, M. (2013). Ørberg per se and per alios illustratus: conceptual framework of inductive-method. Letras Clássicas, 17(2), 31-51. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2358-3150.v17i2p31-51