Civic virtues, political activity and ciceronian Eloquence


  • Gilson Charles dos Santos Universidade de Brasília



política, eloquência, filosofia, honestum, utile, Cícero


This paper is concerned with the role played by ethics and rhetoric in the political life of the Late Roman Republic. More specifically, my aim is to investigate the relationship between civic virtues, politics and oratory as conceived in the rhetorical and philosophical treatises of Cicero. My central claim is that the exhibition of civic virtues by the orator/statesman is essential not only to the working of politics, but also to public deliberation. Focusing mainly on the philosophical works and deliberative speeches, I intend to define which civic qualities are employed in the discursive interaction between speaker and audience. Therefore, I seek to relate politics, philosophy and oratory and contribute to rethink the process of interaction between speaker and audience in the context of change of social organization.


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How to Cite

Santos, G. C. dos. (2021). Civic virtues, political activity and ciceronian Eloquence. Letras Clássicas, 1(1), 58-80.