Erasmo, barbari, indocte docti e ciceroniani: os modelos clássicos e o ensinamento cristão


  • Elaine Cristine Sartorelli Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
  • Fernando Gorab Leme Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Renaissance, Rhetoric, Erasmus, Classical Antiquity, Christianity.


 This paper intends to comment the importance and the permanence of Classical Antiquity authors in the work of Erasmus of Rotterdam, who has always been aware of the issues of coexistence between ancient literature and Christian values. Erasmus, who had never abandoned the defense of biblical studies, also defended, on the other hand, the acquisition of a profound knowledge of Classical writers. In the context of Christian literature, in which ideally rude words must be able to express sublime truths, this issue is also the scenario for discussions about the role of eloquence, in an era in which religious polemics increasingly questioned the ars, as, at the same time, they forced it to find new practices. This subject permeates all of Erasmus’ works and it has been the centre of several polemics he found himself engaged, either against the barbari (those who despise Antiquity) or against the ciceroniani  (those who imitate Cicero alone and despise the so-called plain Christian style).


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How to Cite

Sartorelli, E. C., & Leme, F. G. (2009). Erasmo, barbari, indocte docti e ciceroniani: os modelos clássicos e o ensinamento cristão. Letras Clássicas, 13, 3-28.