Reading comprehension levels in a Portuguese Language textbook: an analysis of reading questions




Teaching, Reading competence, Types of Questions, Operationalizations, Understanding Activity


Monitoring textual comprehension by asking questions is one of the most common strategies in Portuguese language textbooks. The predominance of questions is remarkable, demanding from the student operations aimed at extracting information from the text. In this research, the nature of the questions about the text was observed in the sections of a textbook approved by the PNLD in the period of 2017-2019 (6th grade). The study describes the question guide of two sections of the book, identifying the types of questions, the levels of understanding and the most requested reading skills. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research with a descriptive-interpretative approach to the questions in the comprehension sections. The theoretical foundation followed the assumptions of Text Linguistics, considering studies related to the text and to the comprehension activity. The results show questions that emphasize levels of literal and inferential understanding, with rare critical conduction through the integration of the extralinguistic context.


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How to Cite

BRITO, Raíssa Martins; CARVALHO, Maria Angélica Freire de. Reading comprehension levels in a Portuguese Language textbook: an analysis of reading questions. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 34, n. 3, p. 45–64, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v34i3p45-64. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jun. 2024.