O método crítico de Antonio Candido: forma, Lírica e sociedade
Antonio Candido, Critical method, Poetry, Roger BastideAbstract
This article focuses on the construction of Antonio Candido's critical method from a specific perspective, namely, the use he makes of one or two critical essays by Roger Bastide, a French sociologist who taught at USP and was one of Candido’s Professors. Bastide’s concept of presence in absence is taken over and developed by Candido, so that it acquires a scope that could not have been predicted, given the relatively tentative nature of Bastide’s hypotheses at that time. Additionally, the article examines how the method developed by Candido, which seeks to grasp the external elements (society, history, psychoanalysis) in the very fabric of the literary work (in its form), deals with the specificity of lyric poetry.
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