Reverberações de Hiroshima em Marguerite Duras: a (geo)política a partir do corpo
Hiroshima mon amour, Body and place, Body and politics, The proper nameAbstract
Alain Resnais and Marguerite Duras articulate the stories of Hiroshima mon amour at the exact point at which body and (geo)politics collide. In doing so, they bring together a set of elements that will reappear, totally or partially, in Duras’ works: a fulminating love; its violent interruption, causing pain and madness; in this lyrical ravishing, character and place are mixed one to the other to the point of exchanging the same and only proper name; finally, a new emergence of pain and love becomes possible from the contact with the traces left in the place and/or on the body. This paper shows how these elements reappear in Duras’ works such as India Song (1973/1975) and Césarée (1979).
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