A sombra dos submersos


  • Anna Basevi Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil




Literature, Primo Levi, Saved, Drowned, Witness


The division between the drowned and the saved is the key division of Primo Levi's worldview. The “internal submerged” (Di Castro) present in every survivor unfolds in the submerged as Doppelgänger, an internal voice oscillating between the metaphor of a persecutory shadow (present in his poetry) and the representation of his brotherly friend Alberto.
The urgency of the testimony is faced with the question of how to represent the drowned, the only ones who  could return a truly comprehensive testimony. However, the writer finds a “surviving word” (Derrida) to probe the facets of shame, interrogate the ghosts of guilt and outline the “grey zone”.
Despite this insurmountable wound, Levi refuses the idea of ​​a deserved privilege, nor does he need the comfort of divine providence: several factors contributed to his salvation, but the forces at work are chance and luck. Since Fortuna, as Robert Gordon points out, is a mythical force that our culture has always used to deal with the incomprehensible and uncontrollable reality, in the case of the survivor it fills the distressing absence of explanations; in Levi it ​​becomes a support point to combat the feeling of guilt and to compose the literary representation of events.
Survival is, therefore, something "strange". Origin, evolution, adaptation, natural selection, clash between order and chaos converge in the short story “Carbono” and demonstrate that, after all, the pole of greatest attraction of all his production is the question: who survives and why?


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Author Biography

  • Anna Basevi, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Italiana, graduada em Roma em literatura portuguesa com o professor Ettore Finazzi-Agrò. De 1995 a 2017, foi professora de italiano nos Institutos Italianos de Cultura de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro. Depois do mestrado, concluiu o doutorado em literatura italiana na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, com uma tese sobre “O estranho-estrangeiro em Primo Levi”. Publicou em revistas acadêmicas e, em ocasião do centenário do autor, publicou na revista italiana Doppiozero, dirigida por Marco Belpoliti, e passou a colaborar com o site do Primo Levi center de Nova York. Fez parte da comissão organizadora do I Colóquio Internacional “Mundos de Primo Levi”, na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, em setembro 2019, com os professores Renato Lessa, Rosana Kohl Bines e Andrea Lombardi. Foi pesquisadora com bolsa FAPERJ - nota 10 na Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, com projeto de aprofundamento e divulgação da obra de Primo Levi no Brasil, até agosto 2020.


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How to Cite

Basevi, A. (2020). A sombra dos submersos. Literatura E Sociedade, 25(32), 73-97. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2237-1184.v0i31p73-97