Adrian Leverkühn's breakthrough and Hans Castorp's formation: Doctor Faustus and Faust and The Magic Mountain in comparative perspective


  • Luísa de Quadros Coquemala Universidade de São Paulo



German literature, Thomas Mann, Bildungsroman, Faustic pact


This paper proposes to conduct an analysis of The Magic Mountain (1924) and Doctor Faustus (1947), both novels written by the German author Thomas Mann. The analysis deals with the differences in the formative process (Bildung) of the central characters of the two works, Hans Castorp and Adrian Leverkühn, and focuses precisely on what they have as opposites and what encompasses them in different novel categories: while The Magic Mountain fits into a coming-of-age novel (Bildungsroman), Doctor Faustus belongs to the category of a Faustian novel and can be seen equally as an anti-Bildungsroman. Thus, while in The Magic Mountain the reader witnesses a true process of maturation and formation, in Doctor Faustus the opposite can be observed through the realization of the Faustic pact and the rupture (Durchbruch), making it impossible for Adrian to have a formative process based on mistakes and successes. In this way, we propose to demonstrate not only what is distinctive about the trajectories of the two characters, but also how the pact made by Adrian is constructed with several layers of meaning and articulates themes such as theology, music, and politics. Based on this, we analyze how Adrian’s rupture can also symbolize the rupture that Germany had in its history when it went down the path of National Socialism (itself a pact with drastic consequences for the country)


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Author Biography

  • Luísa de Quadros Coquemala, Universidade de São Paulo

    Luísa de Quadros Coquemala é doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria e Literatura Comparada da FFLCH-USP.


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Ensaios de Curso

How to Cite

Coquemala, L. de Q. (2023). Adrian Leverkühn’s breakthrough and Hans Castorp’s formation: Doctor Faustus and Faust and The Magic Mountain in comparative perspective. Magma, 28(18), 159-177.