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Author Guidelines

Malala journal is a plural periodic publication open to all who have original works, directly on or in dialogue with Islam and the Muslim World.

Malala is an annual publication that receives contributions in a continuous flow in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Calls to publications are thematic and made twice a year. Proposals must be submitted in Word format through the Journals's OJS Platform at: according to the schedule defined by the call for papers.  

No fee will be charged, at any stage, during the process of submission of papers and publication of the journal. There will also be no financial consideration of any kind to the authors for submitting their contributions.

Contributions can be in different formats:
Dissertation or thesis chapters - 18000 words
Essays - 10000 words
Articles - 15000 words
Intellectual Portrait - 4500 words
Reviews (books and films) / Field Report - 4500 words
 Opinion texts - 3000 words

All proposals will initially be evaluated by the journal's editorial committee through desk review and will have independent reviewers through double-blind peer review practice. Each article is evaluated by two expert reviewers in the field with high academic degrees. Files are evaluated without identifying authorship both ways.

We also ask that the authors follow the following formatting for the texts:

Abstracts (articles, essays and research reports)
Without citing authors, with a maximum of 500 characters without space and at the beginning of the text, containing up to 5 keywords. Translated keywords and titles must also accompany the text.

Cambria, title 16 in small capital letters aligned to the right, in bold, and subtitle 14. Size 12 (with space 1.5, 0pt before and 10pt after) justified and notes size 10 (with single space) justified.

Footnotes must be of a substantive nature, restricted to additional comments to the text.

Author's name
Aligned to the right, space 14, with a footnote containing a brief biography, with a maximum of 350 characters without space. The biography must contain training and areas of interest to the author, affiliation/institution where the research was developed, in addition to ORCID ID, Link to the Lattes Platform and contact email.

Title, abstract, and keywords must be sent in Portuguese and English.


- With less than 3 lines: in the text
With more than 3 lines: 4cm indentation, font 10 (with single space) and without initial or final marking accompanied by the appropriate reference ex. (Silva, 2009: 23)

- In the body of the text: (author's last name, year: page), for example “(Silva, 2009: 23)”; or author's name (year: page), for example “João Silva (2009: 23)” - always the first time he cites the author - and, in the following times, it can be “Silva (2009: 23)”; or in a footnote, according to ABNT rules.

- Explanatory quotations at the bottom. When there is an author citation in the body of the note, use the same format as in the body of the text, example: “‘ Iran and Israel lose a lot because they do not have stabilized relations ’(Silva, 2009: 23).” or "‘ Iran and Israel lose a lot because they don’t have stabilized relations. ' SILVA, João. Title of the work, 2009, p. 23 ″

- In the footer, quotes from videos and newspapers (which do not contain authors), name of the newspaper or video and link.


Bibliography or references

At the end of the article, all bibliographic references cited in the text should be listed, in alphabetical order, observing the following criteria:

Cambia font size 12, single spacing (0pt before and 12pt after) justified, following the following pattern: SURNAME, Name. Title of the Work. Place of Publication: Publisher, year.


[complete book] SAID, Edward W. Fora do Lugar: Memórias. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004. 

[article] ASHLEY, Richard K. & WALKER, R. B. J. Speaking the Language of Exile: Dissident Thought in International Studies. International Studies Quarterly, v. 34, n. 3, set. 1990.

[newspaper article] SAID, Edward W. The Clash of Ignorance. The Nation. Nova Iorque: out., v. 273, n. 12, p. 11-14. 2001. Available at: <>. Acessed: 27 jul. 2015.


Copyright and Plagiarism policy: The authors are allowed to hold the copyright without restrictions and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Revista Malala is committed to the ethics and quality of its publications, plagiarism or any other unethical behavior is not accepted. For detailed information on our Intellectual property and copyrights and ethics standards please visit:


The deadline for evaluating the texts submitted to Revista Malala depends on the referees indicated for their review, but it revolves around 8 total months. The first phase of analysis consists of the opinion of two experts on the subject, members of the magazine's editorial committee or its scientific council. By the reviewers of Revista Malala, the texts can be: approved without reservations, approved with reservations, refused or requested to be reformulated and resubmitted. If they are approved without reservation, they will go directly to the last evaluation phase, which will decide whether or not to publish the text. If they are approved with reservations, the authors will be invited to review the text appreciating the suggestions presented and to send an amended version of the text, which will be evaluated by the editor-in-chief in the last evaluation phase. If the author does not submit the revised version, the original text will still go on to the final evaluation phase.

Contributions must be unpublished and once the text is submitted, it will be evaluated by the editorial board during the different stages of the review process. The text will only be made available for publication after the end of the procedure. Otherwise, if the text is rejected by the commission, then the author will be free to send it to other magazines and forms of publication.

For further information or doubts contact our editorial team at:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg. articles), instructions available at . These guarantee double blind peer review flow, at which neither the author nor the reviewer's identity are disclosed.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished (except for thesis chapters), and while it is being evaluated by the editorial committee and under any stages of the review process, it cannot be sent by the author to another magazine or publication site.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.