Between Israel and Palestine could be a Mandela


  • Magno Paganelli University of São Paulo



Mandela, Israel, Palestine, Apartheid, pacification


This essay intends to indicate the need for dialogue and conciliatory approaches in diverse contexts, taking as a model the process of ethnic pacification that took place in South Africa. The present author's option contemplates the situation of Apartheid in the Israel-Palestine conflict as an object and highlights only one of its many aspects, the occupation, proposing as a paradigm on the road to peace the performance of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize winner, in his fight against racial segregation in that country


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Author Biography

  • Magno Paganelli, University of São Paulo
    Magno Paganelli é doutorando em História Social (USP), Mestre em Ciências da Religião (Mackenzie), Bacharel em Teologia com especialização em Novo Testamento. É Jornalista, Pedagogo com pós-graduação em Didática do Ensino Superior (Mackenzie) e membro do GTOMMM (USP/CNPq).



How to Cite

Paganelli, M. (2017). Between Israel and Palestine could be a Mandela. Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 5(7), 50-67.