A paper Caliphate: understanding the Islamic State through its documents


  • Diogo Bercito Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Islamic State, Shari'a, Caliphate, Iraq, Syria


The Islamic State is a terror organization that distinguishes itself from other similar groups by the establishment of a bureaucratic structure that projects the image of a state. This essay investigates documents produced in Iraq under the banner of the caliphate. These documents reveal an administration that enforces itself over a large territory. Their analysis points to a particular view of government presented as Islamic, which this investigation compares with precedents set throughout Islamic history, while traces of the modern conception of a state are found to be salient. 


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Author Biography

  • Diogo Bercito, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Diogo Bercito is a reporter with Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo. He has been based in Jerusalem, Beirut and Cairo. This paper was written in 2015 during his master’s degree in Contemporary Arabic and Islamic Studies at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, tutored by Maribel Fierro.




How to Cite

Bercito, D. (2017). A paper Caliphate: understanding the Islamic State through its documents. Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 5(7), 68-88. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2446-5240.malala.2017.131679