Peace asks for art: Peace talks and their agents




agency, mediation, negotiation, peace talks, Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


This article explores a theoretical-applied research agenda in the language sciences. As part of the research, we will present the analysis of a dialogue, which was made available by The Palestine Papers Project, between negotiators of the State of Israel and of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Thus, we will approach a theoretical object (dialogical agency), and an empirical object (Israeli-Palestinian peace talks). And, from the theoretical arsenal proposed, from the problems raised in the analysis, and from a proposal of pacification taken as a basis, we will defend an alternative scenario of mediation, whose core is the use of new agents and new languages.


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Author Biography

  • Stéphane Dias, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

    Doutora em Letras – Linguística. Desenvolve pesquisa interdisciplinar sobre linguagem e diálogo, com foco em agência e racionalidade. Professora substituta no Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto e embaixadora Playing for change.





How to Cite

Dias, S. (2018). Peace asks for art: Peace talks and their agents. Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 6(9), 91-116.