Natural gas and Qatari public policies


  • Rafael Gonzaga Mariano da Silva entro Universitário Senac



Qatar, natural gas, public policies


This research aims to comprehend the relationship placed between natural gas and public policies in Qatar, focusing on how the revenue derived from and the natural gas were important for the country policies. The study entails a historical vision about how natural gas became a valuable resource to Qatar and its economic policies. The research was based on World Bank, OPEC, Qatar government and its oil and natural gas company data. At large, the study is dependent on academic books and articles. Addressing two main themes related to Qatar: its economic cycles hinging on pearls, oil and natural gas and the connection between public policies and natural gas revenues, searching for answers whether natural gas from Qatar was the economic foundation for all its policies.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. G. M. da. (2019). Natural gas and Qatari public policies. Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 7(10), 51-69.