The peace process in New Gaza
An analysis of the film New Gaza by Rita Martins Tragtenberg and three short stories by Jacó Guinsburg
Guinsburg, “O processo de paz”, cine and contemporary brazilian literature, New Gaza, brazilian filmAbstract
This article suggests an analysis of the film New Gaza (Brazil, 2013), written and directed by Rita Martins Tragtenberg, adapting three short stories of the book O que aconteceu, aconteceu by Jacó Guinsburg (Brazil, 2000). In New Gaza, Scholen, an orthodox Judean, has the idea of manufacture Israel and United States flags for sell to arabians protesters. Mixing drama, humor and lyricism, the film boards the conflict in Gaza and retracts the immigrant situation in Brazil. This analysis confronts the tales and the film, identifying what had been preserved, altered and recreated by the cineaste.
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