Avant-garde feminism in Egypt, Islam and representation of women in literature
feminist pioneers, Arabic literature, Orientalism, Islam Arab feminismAbstract
This article addresses feminism and its specificities in the context of the Arab and Islamic world and introduces pioneers in Egypt – such as Aisha Taymur (1840-1902), Zaynab Fawwaz (1850-1914), Nabawiyya Musa (1886-1951), Huda Sha‘rawi (1879-1947), and Malak Hifni Nassef (1886-1918) – up to recent names such as Nawal El-Saadawi (1931-2021). The biographical and autobiographical genres are addressed and authors like Lebanese Anbara Salam al-Khalidi (1898-1986) and Palestinian Fadwa Tuqan (1917-2003) are also mentioned in this regard. The article discusses issues of feminism in Arabic and focuses on Arabic literature written by women and the representations of Muslim women in the West.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Carolina Gonçalves, Vitória Perpétuo Bruno, Beatriz Berto Milanez

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