Beyond hegemonic western feminism: social movements of Muslim women, the case of Türkiye
women's movements in Turkey, Turkish secular feminism, Turkish women's Islamist activism, Islamic feminism, TürkiyeAbstract
This study investigates how the adoption of Western values influenced women's movements in Türkiye. Turkey is a unique case study, due to its intense assimilation of Western and secular values in the Republic's development process and women's struggles. Firstly, the movement of Turkish secular feminists stands out, which were strongly influenced by the political reforms of westernization, secularization and modernization of society. Secondly, Islamic feminism is presented. In the post-60s, in several Muslim-majority countries, there was the rise of a hybrid feminism, self-styled Islamic feminism, in which it seeks to reconcile feminist perspectives with the Islamic paradigm, from a non-orthodox, non-fundamentalist and non-traditional point of view, in favor of gender equality, modernity and seeking to suppress patriarchal readings about sources. Islamic feminism seeks to rescue religious principles that promote gender equality, reinterpreting sacred texts from the perspective of women's equality and rights.
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