The anti-zionist fight and the Palestine Mandate: the Arab Palestinian political movement under British control (1917-1937)


  • Luiz Salgado Neto Universidade Federal Fluminense



Palestine, Arab Palestinians, British Mandate, Zionism


The aim of this article is to discuss the Arab Palestinian political movement that fought the Zionist project between 1917 and 1937, considering that it was under the institutional order established by the British Mandate. The article is dedicated to analyze the actions of a specific camp within the Arab Palestinian political movement, the urban notables, which tried to fight the Zionist project while maintaining a close relationship with British authorities. The aim is to show that the actions of the Arab Palestinians political leaders were complex and heterogeneous.


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Author Biography

  • Luiz Salgado Neto, Universidade Federal Fluminense
    O autor possui graduação em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2010), Mestrado em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2013) e Doutorado em História Comparada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (em andamento). Trabalha no Arquivo Nacional, atuando na Coordenação-Geral de Acesso e Difusão Documental. Dedica-se ao estudo da História do Oriente Médio contemporâneo, com ênfase no conflito Israel-Palestina. Atualmente, pesquisa o movimento político palestino durante o controle britânico da Palestina (1917-1948).



How to Cite

Salgado Neto, L. (2017). The anti-zionist fight and the Palestine Mandate: the Arab Palestinian political movement under British control (1917-1937). Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 5(7), 111-133.