Making silence speak: the intensification of reality in Xavier Villaurrutia's poetry


  • Nuno Miguel de Brito e Sousa Teixeira University of California Santa Barbara



Contemporary Poetry, Mexico, Xavier Villaurrutia, Death, Eroticism


This article aims to study the poetic creation of the contemporary Mexican poet Xavier Villaurrutia, focusing mainly on the aspect of the intensification of reality as an omnipotent presence in his work, which is felt through a constant revitalization of space and time. It seeks to analyze how this intensification is related to a depolarization between the ideas of life and death and how death is reflected and represented in his production. Finally, a special focus is made on the theme of eroticism in his poetic production, an inseparable theme from the representation of death itself.


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Author Biography

  • Nuno Miguel de Brito e Sousa Teixeira, University of California Santa Barbara

    Leitor do Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua Portugal; Doutor em Literaturas Brasileiras e Portuguesas.Universidade da Califórnia em Santa Barbara.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, N. M. de B. e S. (2021). Making silence speak: the intensification of reality in Xavier Villaurrutia’s poetry. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 43, 35-43.