Poetics of remembrance: the creative process of O peso do pássaro morto
Poetic memory of the process, O peso do pássaro morto, Experimentation of literary writingAbstract
One of the novel’s in the 21st century is the experimentation of the expressive possibilities of literary writing which, far from mimetic realism, breaks with conventional writing. In O peso do pássaro morto, Aline Bei (2017), the experimentation is carried out through the aesthetic option, through the hybrid writing – neither poem nor prose – which meets a violation suffered by the protagonist-narrator and experienced in the body of writing. An unnamed narrator, but qualified by scar memories, someone who 'carries the weight of a dead bird'. The creative procedure that tells about these scarred memories offers us only the final stage, the published work; we don't have the process documents. We characterize this form of recording as a poetics of recollection, because it is the authorial voice, present in digital social networks, responsible for reporting on the stages of the novel's creation. Reflecting on this poetics of remembrance constituted the guiding objective of the study developed.
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