"Borges did not believe in perfection: interview with Daniel Balderston
Jorge Luis Borges, Genetic criticism, Daniel Balderston, Manuscripts, Hispanic-american, Hispanic-American Literature, Ricardo PigliaAbstract
Daniel Balderston is one of the greatest specialists in the work of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. Professor at the Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, he is the director of Borges Center, which houses in its website a large material on the author’s oeuvre. Balderston’s work has had a significant impact on Borges’ criticism at different theoretical perspectives, from research into his historical sources to gender studies. Among his books, we may cite Out of context: Historical Reference and the Representation of Reality in Borges (1993), Borges, Realidad y simulacros (2000) and Innumerables relaciones: como leer con Borges (2010). Recently, Balderston has dedicated himself to the genetic criticism of Borges’ manuscripts, spread across different countries – United States, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Switzerland – in libraries and private collections. This research is largely documented in the book How Borges Wrote (University of Virginia Press, 2018), which Balderston considers his greatest achievement in the forty years he spent examining Borges’ writings. In this interview, Balderston spoke about the detective search for Borges’, about the arduous process of composing How Borges Wrote and about the status of genetic research in the Anglo-Saxon context. The book was published in France in 2019, under the title La Méthode Borges, translated by Sophie Campbell (Presses Universitaires de Vincennes) and should be released later this year in Argentina, in an expanded version, as El método Borges, translated by Ernesto Montequin (Ampersand).
BALDERSTON, Daniel. “Los manuscritos de Borges: ‘Imaginar una realidad más compleja que la
declarada al lector’”, Cuadernos LIRICO, 7, 2012. Disponível em: http://journals.openedition.org/lirico/505 ; DOI : 10.4000/lirico.505
BALDERSTON, Daniel. “Liminares: sobre el manuscrito de ‘El hombre en el umbral”, Hispamérica, 41, no 122, agosto 2012, pp. 27-36.
BALDERSTON, Daniel. “Las páginas del Haber en un cuaderno de contabilidad, marca Caravela: las copias en limpio de los cuentos de Borges de 1939 a 1941”, La Palabra, 38, setembro de 2020, p. 21-31.
Copyright (c) 2021 Gisela Anauate Bergonzoni

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Funding data
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Grant numbers 88887.571578/2020-00