On the lyrical avalanche on social networks: poetic remediations in Snow, by Shelley Jackson
Social networks, Prose poem, Materialities, Temporalities, Shelley JacksonAbstract
The popularization of social networks has led to a massive consumption of data, texts and photos, most of which are devoid of any artistic intent. However, there are profiles in social networks that use the same media to make powerfully strong and lyrical statements. In this paper, we analyze a creation project like that: the prose poem Snow, by Shelley Jackson, composed of words written on snow, posted for years in an Instagram account. Among other issues, we are herein interested on discussing the poetic remediations engendered by this work in the creative pathway from word to snow, to photo, to network, as well as the impacts this stratified materiality brings to Snow in terms of its complex temporality.Downloads
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