Mudanças climáticas e a construção de cisternas micênicas (1300 a.C.-1200 a.C.)


  • Gustavo Jorge Peloso Peixoto MAE



Mediterranean, climate changes, paleoclimate, mycenaeans, cisterns


This paper discusses the recent debate about paleoclimatic data regarding the end of the Bronze Age (1300 BC–1200 BC) in the Mediterranean Sea and its possible relationship with the emergence of underground water capture structures (syrinx) in the Mycenaean citadels of Argolis. Paleoclimatic data have suggested that there was a decrease in the temperature of the Mediterranean sea followed by a period of drought. Based on the discussion of paleoclimatic data, archaeological remains and written sources, we will analyze the way in which geopolitical instability and drought may have motivated the construction of underground cisterns in Mycenaean citadels in Argolis.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Jorge Peloso Peixoto, MAE

    Mestrando em Arqueologia pelo Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP (MAE/USP), Brasil, sob a orientação da Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Cristina Kormikiari Passos. Membro do Labeca, Laboratório de estudos sobre a cidade antiga ( Apoio e financiamento do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Mudanças climáticas e a construção de cisternas micênicas (1300 a.C.-1200 a.C.). (2020). Mare Nostrum, 11(1), 351-376.