La construcción del espacio y la caracterización de los personajes en las Res Gestae de Amiano Marcelino


  • Cynthia Alves de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Palabras clave:

Amiano Marcelino, Geografía cognitiva, Representación espacial, Itinerarios


The geographic aspects of the ancient world have aroused the interest of a growing number of researchers around the world, since understanding how the ancients perceived and appropriated the surrounding space means denaturalize certainties long rooted in common sense, which are often guided by anachronistic interpretations. The production and use of pictorial maps by ancient societies was one of the assumptions whose authority was strongly put into question early in this century, when the ideas of scholars who argued that the ancient represented the space through verbal descriptions guided by itineraries lists started to gain support. The great merit of these researchers was to widen the possibilities of studies on Ancient World Geography, which no longer depends just on geographical treatises and surviving epigraphic sources: in saying the ancient appropriated the space through such descriptions, these researchers have made it possible the study of the geographical aspects of antiquity through any written narrative. This article aims to analyze the construction of the space in Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus based on the studies produced by that group of researchers and using the theoretical framework developed by Cognitive Geography


Biografía del autor/a

  • Cynthia Alves de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    Graduanda em História da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) e Bolsista de Incentivo Acadêmico do Departamento de Assuntos Estudantis (DAE) da mesma instituição






Cómo citar

La construcción del espacio y la caracterización de los personajes en las Res Gestae de Amiano Marcelino. (2015). Mare Nostrum, 6(6), 61-81.