Sensational managements: attractions and YouTube videos




Cinema of attractions, spectacle, YouTube, political manifestations


This article argues in favor of a proximity between the spectatorship and aesthetics of audiovisual production on the web and the experience of cinema of attractions. Based on a particular case study, but that seems symptomatic, we aim to show how the rhetoric found in most YouTube videos makes intense use of performatic image, of the movement of body towards the camera, directly addressing the spectator, and of the aesthetical excess associated with sensationalism. Such elements convey a participative, erratic and fragmentary spectatorship. Such characteristics show the persistency of attractions regimen in such videos, as well the political strenght of a moral management from sensationalist strategies.


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Author Biographies

  • Mariana Baltar, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Professor in the Film and Video Department of UFF.

  • Adil Giovanni Lepri, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    PhD student in the Film and Audiovisual Graduate Program at UFF. Substitute professor of UFRJ, in the Broadcast Undergraduate Program.


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How to Cite

Baltar, M., & Lepri, A. G. (2019). Sensational managements: attractions and YouTube videos. MATRIZes, 13(1), 169-189.