New wine in old wineskins: mass society,spectacularization and new technologies in Black Mirror




Black Mirror, new technologies, media society


This text is a critical review of the book Isso (não) é muito Black Mirror, released by André Lemos in 2018. The author discusses how, despite touching important themes to Communication – such as media society, digital media, social networks, issues of the body, surveillance and other technologies – the television series only touches on crucial  issues of the last century. Even without denying the importance of the topics discussed,
the book critiques the outdated approaches of Black Mirror, which are nowhere near able to glimpse the current problems and challenges of contemporary times. Behind a perspective that apparently speaks of the future, what we have, in reality, are new technologies being presented in old clothes.


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Author Biography

  • Andreza Patricia Almeida dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo.Escola de Comunicações e Artes

    PhD candidate in Communication Sciences, School of Communication and Arts at University of São Paulo. CAPES Fellow. Researcher of Center for Telenovela Studies (ECA/USP) and member of Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction (Obitel).


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Book reviews

How to Cite

Santos, A. P. A. dos. (2020). New wine in old wineskins: mass society,spectacularization and new technologies in Black Mirror. MATRIZes, 14(1), 291-296.