The object of memory as an analytical category of album covers




Album cover, object of memory, memory


Based on authors from memory, communication, and culture studies, this study discusses the notion of the object of memory as a category in the analysis of long-playing album covers (LP/vinyl) within the relations that involve cultural practices, music, and materialities. As cultural representations shared by artists, record labels, and fans, covers articulate visual memories triggered over time (from the past to the present) by the meanings attributed to them, their presence, and their materiality (wear, imperfections, etc.). This study will observe how some authors treat the term object of memory or surround the notion to reflect on the effectiveness of the category in the analysis of album covers throughout this dialogue.


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Author Biography

  • Herom Vargas, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP


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Em Pauta/Agenda

How to Cite

Vargas, H. (2024). The object of memory as an analytical category of album covers. MATRIZes, 18(2), 213-228.