Space-temporality and territoriality: Colombian internal forced displacement
Spatio-temporality, territory, forced displacement, internal armed conflict, Multimodal and Multimedia Critical Discourse Studies (MMCDS)Abstract
An analytical proposal is developed from the Multimodal and Multimedia Critical Discourse Studies (MMCDS) to address the spatial-temporal, territorial and memory relationship in the framework of representation of forced internal mobility in the Colombian armed conflict. The aim is to understand and interpret factors that determine the causes and consequences of forced internal mobility, making explicit the need to socialize knowledge about the social situation. The universe to be analyzed is the visual digital macro-narrative on the Truth Commission’s platform; the discursive sample is the interactive visual-graphic narrative, map, created by the Center for Spatial Research at Columbia University, through which the aim is to show how the representation of internal forced displacement is constructed between 1985 and 2021.
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