Consumption, contestation, and affective configurations in the social outbreak
Rituals, consumption, social outbreak, Chile, affective atmospheresAbstract
The 2019 Chilean social uprising marks a turning point in the recent history of the country, triggering a sociopolitical crisis whose causes and manifestations remain debated. For some, it was a reaction to decades of neoliberal policies, while others associate it with the frustration of unmet expectations in a consumer society. This article explores the strategy of the core protest group—the “front line”—to expand and remain active by establishing a presence in consumer spaces. Using a netnographic approach, this article analyzes the meaning systems behind protesting in commercial spaces, focusing on the affective dimensions related to consumption within the mobilization context. We examine how the affective atmospheres linked to the rituals of protest and consumption functioned as sociopolitical tools by connecting diverse spaces, communities, and practices, and by attempting to establish a dialogue—albeit not always successful—in a context of institutional breakdown.
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