(In)Visible Interstices

bringing together double consciousness and the gutter in Jefferson Costa’s Rosebush, medal, plantation and other stories





Afrofuturism, Double consciousness, Graphic novel, Gutter, In-between spaces, Rosebush, medal, plantation, and other stories (graphic novel)


Investigates the relationships between W.E.B. Du Bois’s concept of “double consciousness” and the gutter, a specific component of the language of comics and graphic narratives in general. It uses a method based on the concept of the “crossroads” (Simas & Rufino, 2019) in order to carry out a reading of the graphic narrative Rosebush, medal, plantation and other stories by the Brazilian author and illustrator Jefferson Costa. This reading further approaches Costa’s work in terms of fissures in hegemonic thought exposed by Afro futurism and Homi Bhabha’s exploration of “in-between spaces” prime locations in which subjectivities are produced. The gutter thus becomes a metaphor for the counter-hegemonic alternative identity-producing discursive practices associated with Afrofuturism.


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How to Cite

Miranda Junior, E. F. . (2023). (In)Visible Interstices: bringing together double consciousness and the gutter in Jefferson Costa’s Rosebush, medal, plantation and other stories. 9 Arte (São Paulo), 10(1), e198944. https://doi.org/10.11606/2316-9877.2022.v10.e198944