Analysis on representation LGBTi+ in a superhero comic

Superman: Son of Kal-El




LGBTI , Comics, Queer, DC Comics, Superman


This article aims to analyze a situational issue that had media impact, here we refer to the fact that the new Superman, DC Comics character, has recently revealed himself to be a member of the LGBTI+ community, by kissing another man in the Superman: Son of edition Kal-El # 5. For this analysis, we will use a qualitative methodology, in which we will approach the issue in the light of the history of American comics, thus showing the correlation between our representations and changes in the historical and epistemological structures of the society in question. In terms of theoretical support, we used different material, even though our main focus was on the work of Dandara Cruz. In our conclusion, we will see that this new Superman approaches the queer issue head-on, thus moving away from the categories of queerbaiting, queer coding or conservative representation.


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How to Cite

Paiva, M. J. de. (2022). Analysis on representation LGBTi+ in a superhero comic: Superman: Son of Kal-El . 9 Arte (São Paulo), 10(1), e203149.