The cinema of Naomi Kawase and the body as filmic matter


  • Henrique Codato Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
  • Eduardo dos Santos Oliveira Federal University of Ceará



Cinema, Naomi Kawase, Body, Performativity


This essay is dedicated to the self-referent cinema of the Japanese director Naomi Kawase in order to know a little more about the performative practices she employs in (and with) the images. We seek to understand how she inscribes her own body in the materiality of the film, also turning it into filmic matter. The triggered conceptual investigation seeks to emphasize what happens in the confluence of voices and forces that make up Kawase's cinema.


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Author Biographies

  • Henrique Codato, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

    Graduated with a bachelor degree in Social Communication at the State University of Londrina (UEL, 2001), holds a master's degree in Communication at the University of Brasília (UnB, 2004) and in Comparative Literature at the University of Geneva (Unige - Switzerland, 2007). PhD in Social Communication by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, 2013), he was a PNPD / Capes scholarship holder (2014-2018) in the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará (PPGCOM / UFC), where he works as a professor. Henrique is currently professor at the Cinema and Audiovisual program at the University of Fortaleza (Unifor) and supervisor of the Image Research Group (GPI / Unifor).

  • Eduardo dos Santos Oliveira, Federal University of Ceará

    Graduated with a bachelor degree in Journalism at the Federal University of Ceará (2016); hold a master's degree in Communication at the same university (UFC, 2018), with studies on the performative cinema of Naomi Kawase. Has research experience in the area of Communication, with emphasis on Audiovisual Communication. Furthermore, Eduardo is interested in arts and performance studies, with attention to Art Criticism.


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How to Cite

Codato, H., & Oliveira, E. dos S. (2020). The cinema of Naomi Kawase and the body as filmic matter. Novos Olhares, 9(1), 245-256.