Cultura visual y música popular

el videoclip en la nueva ecología de los medios


  • Ana Sedeño-Valdellós Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad



Contemporary aesthetic, Music video, Derivative videos, Fan videos, Media ecology


The perspective of media ecology, which assumes that media objects as interdisciplinary and of transmedia development, in a context of media convergence, as Henry Jenkins already described in The logic of convergence culture (2004). Music video is one of the main audiovisual formats in this contemporary audiovisual culture: imitated by all kinds of emerging messages, taken as a reference in its duration, in its composition of materials, for its promotional component or as a vehicle for content, usually for sale or promoting an idea. The paper will analyze these aspects, as well as the derivative videos, hybridizations or recirculations between music industry and fan creation, that fills social networks such as YouTube.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Sedeño-Valdellós, Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad

    PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Lecturer in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Malaga (Spain). Her research deals with music in relation to audiovisual media, music video and audiovisual practices in the contemporary scene such as videodance. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Sedeño-Valdellós, A. (2020). Cultura visual y música popular: el videoclip en la nueva ecología de los medios. Novos Olhares, 9(1), 40-49.