Digital technologies and interactivity on Brazilian television: evidence of a reconfiguration process in ways to watch and produce journalistic programs


  • Carlos Eduardo Marquioni Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná



culture, interactivity, journalistic TV programs


The variations in televisual experience motivated by the use of digital technologies are affecting the direct invitations to interaction by the audience during broadcasting of both: TV newscasts and electronic magazines. This paper addresses these invitations, presenting data of an ongoing research that analyzes a moment classified as a phase in the cultural brewing of the interactions by the public – the moment is referenced as a phase because it is possible to observe invitations to interaction since the 1980’s (via the post mail or the telephone). The article presents quantitative data related to the invitation during journalistic programs aired by TV networks Globo (2011 to 2013) and Record (during 2013); the empirical data make it possible the execution of qualitative analysis presenting redefinitions in process related to the ways of watching/produce journalistic programs, regarding the moment when the public increases the internet access while watches TV. 


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo Marquioni, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná

    Docente do programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Comunicação e Linguagens da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, doutor em Comunicação e Linguagens, participante do GP Televisão e Vídeo (Intercom) e membro dos grupos de pesquisa INCOM (Interações comunicacionais, imagens e culturas digitais) da UTP e Estudos Culturais da Unesp/Franca.






How to Cite

Marquioni, C. E. (2014). Digital technologies and interactivity on Brazilian television: evidence of a reconfiguration process in ways to watch and produce journalistic programs. Novos Olhares, 3(1), 51-60.