The Signs of Death and the Exclusion of Elderly in "Feliz Aniversário", by Clarice Lispector




Clarice Lispector, Short Story, Elderly, Women


This article, the result of a Scientific Initiation research that studied the elderly of women in four of Clarice Lispector’s short stories, deals specifically with “Feliz aniversário”, published in the book Laços de Família, in 1960. Staged by Dona Anita, the birthday woman that turns 89 years old, the narrative takes the family microcosm to shed light on issues that situate female senility in society, highlighting aspects such as the reification of the elderly woman, the exclusion in the discourse, the loneliness in the presence of the other and the death signs as a prediction of the future. For this analysis, it was important to resort to other researchers who studied the short story, as well as other texts of the Lispector’s repertoire, seeking to add new insights to the author's critical fortune.


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Author Biography

  • Carla Casarin Leonardi, Universidade de São Paulo

    Graduada em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Jornalismo pela Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2012), cursa bacharelado e licenciatura em Letras com dupla habilitação (Português/Francês) na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Leonardi, C. C. (2020). The Signs of Death and the Exclusion of Elderly in "Feliz Aniversário", by Clarice Lispector. Opiniães, 17, 597-612.