No. 11 (2017): Dossier: Authors-Editors

					View No. 11 (2017): Dossier: Authors-Editors

Opiniães magazine number 11 brings, in its dossier, articles that explore in various ways the confluence between the author’s and the editor’s activities.  If that description may sound vague, we recommend a visit to the editorial where we attempt to go a little deeper on this subject and on the dossier’s proposal.  Monteiro Lobato, Lima Barreto, Godofredo Rangel, Graciliano Ramos, Guimarães Rosa and Erico Verissimo set the tone to the first part of the magazine. In its second part, the free themed articles section on Brazilian literature brings a wide range of authors and literary works which comprehend from XIX to XXI centuries. In its third part the reader will find an interview with André Seffrin on the works of Samuel Rawett. Feel free to check out our already traditional section of literary creation – it’s worth it.

Published: 2017-12-29