Positive psychology intervention for families of hospitalized children
Positive psychology, Hospitalization, FamilyAbstract
Positive Psychology interventions may benefit families with hospitalized children. This study aimed to evaluate a pilot intervention in positive psychology for parents with hospitalized children with acute health conditions. A quasi-experimental study was conducted with thirty mothers with a mean age of 25.37 (SD = 7.3), most of them with incomplete elementary school and married. A focal intervention was applied in the individual and group modality and a comparison group was carried out. Pre- and post-test evaluations were performed using standardized instruments on subjective well-being, symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress and ways of coping with problems. Data pointed out that in the intervention group, the levels of positive affects and problem-focused coping increased in relation to the comparison group. Likewise, in the individual intervention there was also an increase in problem-focused coping in relation to the comparison group.

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